Sunday, October 01, 2006

They all look the same to me

The following link courtesy of the fabulous blog from Ellen:

Senator Trent Lott of Mississipi spoke about sectarian violence in Iraq:

"It's hard for Americans, all of us, including me, to understand what's wrong with these people. . . . Why do they hate each other? Why do Sunnis kill Shiites? How do they tell the difference? They all look the same to me."
Well, I'm pretty sure a lot of Americans think like Lott. I find it hard to tell all those white male Republicans in Congress apart, myself. I guess I'm glad that in the USA, Lott's free to be refreshingly honest about his ignorance and bigotry.


Just because Trent Lott is an idiot doesn't meant the rest of us have to be. To learn more about the Sunni/Shiite split I highly recommend the book NO GOD BUT GOD by Iranian scholar Reza Aslan. The book is a beautifully constructed story on the origin and evolution of Islam, focusing on how men over the ages have twisted the Prophet's words to suit their own hold on power and misuse the bully pulpit to gain more power.


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