Saturday, December 13, 2008

Big Green Egg & Ribs

Baby Crumpet took me to the 2nd annual Pacific Northwest Evergreen EggFest with Cathy, John & Maya.

For those not in the know, the Big Green Egg is a Japanese BBQ grill that's shaped like, well, a big green egg. The owners (such as John) swear by its superior cooking ability. Don McQuinn told me every officer had one when he was stationed off Okinawa in the 50s.

The ''eggfest'' is a ridiculous event where owner haul their Big Green Egg down to the park and proceed to cook all-day their own secret recipes - ribs, pizza, sliders, cake, sausages. The event is ALL YOU CAN EAT and FREE. The cooks are here for the love of cooking as well as networking (a lot of recipe & technique sharing going on) or simply just to show off.

It wasn't enough to convince me to buy a Big Green Egg because I enjoy the instant gratification of my trust Weber Silver II but I sure love this festival and of course, can visit John's house anytime for his famous 12-hour Boston Butt.


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